Terms Of Service

Welcome to toptankduel.com! That is why it is important to read this document before using the services on our website. If you do not agree with these terms, we kindly ask you not to use services and send us a message informing us on which points you do not agree, so that we can always improve.

General terms and conditions


1.1 You become a user by completing the registration of a Game user account . This Agreement is effective as soon as you indicate your acceptance of the terms of this document.

1.2 You may not reveal, share or otherwise allow other people to use your password to access Game. Account information is personal and non-transferable. Game is not responsible for activities carried out on the account by third parties, regardless of the holder's authorization.

1.3 Any use of the Game Account owned by you, with your login and / or password, will be considered as having been made by you, and you will be responsible for it, for the security of your computer system and your internet connection.

1.4 Game is not responsible for the use of your password and Account, nor for all communications and activities on the website that result from the use of your ID and password.

1.5 You may not sell, charge others for the right to use the Game Account that you own, transfer, assign, give / offer as payment, nor transfer any Products you own.


2.1 You acknowledge that, for any product purchased through Game, the store will be a mere intermediary between you and the software developers or publishers. You also recognize that some delivery delays may be due to problems faced by the developer and not the payment system.

2.2 The User expressly acknowledges that Game and its games available in its store, together with the logos, brands, insignias, symbols, distinctive signs, documentation and any other materials related to these computer programs, constitute, as the case may be, copyrights, trade secrets, and / or proprietary rights of Game or its licensors, these rights being protected by national and international legislation applicable to intellectual property, copyright and business and industry secrets. In no event will these goods and rights be transferred to the User, either as a result of the purchase of a Product, or in view of its use.

2.3 The User is prohibited from selling products offered by Game services. Game is not responsible for top ups made outside its website.

2.4 The User agrees that Game is not responsible for the content created by the developer of each of the games, nor is it responsible for the correction of any “bug”, anomaly, unavailability, maintenance and for contents incompatible with the Users' devices. To solve possible problems related to this, the User must contact the support of the developer in question.

2.5 All rights are reserved and in case of non-observance of these rights, legal and rights provisions will be adopted by Game, the game platform and / or the developer.


3.1 The User may purchase the product through the payment platform offered on our website.

3.2 When opting for payment through one of the modalities described above, the User will be expressing his decision to acquire the product offered by Game in the manner defined by this Agreement.

3.4 Failure to comply with this clause will be considered a violation of the terms of this agreement and will result in the revocation of the transaction carried out, with the consequent cancellation of the order with the platform on which it is made available.

3.5 Game will not be able to make available to the User, nor will it be responsible for the product acquired outside its website.

3.6 Any and all problems with the payment method chosen by the User must be immediately reported to Game through its customer service email.


4.1 The User, when recharging on the Game website, is aware and agrees that with the platform that makes the Software available, there are inappropriate conduct that must be observed and respected.

4.2 Conduct considered irregular is defined by the developers of the Software and / or the Platform to which the software is linked and may result in punishment for the User.

4.3 The User agrees that, in addition to the preventive and / or corrective maintenance provided for above, access to Game and / or the Products may also be interrupted due to Force Majeure, Fortuitous Events and any other reason beyond the control and will of the Game, developers and platform.

4.4 Game is not responsible for any measure taken by the developer of the Software or the Platform that may result in sanctions for the User, which are their sole responsibility.

4.5 It is the User's obligation to know Game's Rules of Conduct, who declare to be aware of its content and the sanctions provided for therein.

4.6 In the event of the practice of any of the Irregular Conducts, suspected of involvement in illegal activities, in addition to applying the corresponding penalties to the User, Game may reveal to the police, administrative or judicial authorities, the registration data of the User who has performed any act that imply a violation of Game's Rules of Conduct, the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil and / or the rights of interested third parties.


5.1 The User must keep his Password confidential. If the User has reason to believe that his Password has been discovered in any way by third parties, he/she must change it immediately on the Site.

5.2 The User agrees that he/she is responsible for all acts performed through his User Account and that Game does not protect him against the unauthorized use of his Account.

5.3 Game will not be responsible for any personal information that the User discloses to third parties, including their Login and Password. Game will not be responsible for any damages that the User may suffer due to having disclosed his personal information.

5.4 For all purposes, Game understands that all actions performed by the User Account were performed by the holder, and cannot be held responsible for actions performed on User Accounts.


6.1 It is the duty of the User to provide true, accurate and correct information at the time of registration, as well as to keep it updated.

6.2 Game reserves right not to change the data that prove the ownership of the Account, namely: the registration name and the date of birth. Any corrections may be made, as long as they do not imply a change in account ownership.


7.1 Game does not provide Internet access, the User is responsible for all costs associated with his Internet connection.


8.1 Game reserves the right to interrupt access to the website, whenever necessary to perform any type of maintenance, which will be duly notified to all Users in advance.

8.2 The User declares to be aware that the developers may interrupt access to the Software, periodically, scheduled or not, to carry out maintenance and corrections, and the notification to Users is the sole responsibility of the developers and the platform.

8.3 The User agrees that, in addition to the preventive and / or corrective maintenance provided for above, access to Game and / or the Products may also be interrupted due to Force Majeure, Fortuitous Events and any other reason beyond the control and will of the Game, developers and platform.


9.1. You can cancel your Game account at any time.

9.2 Canceling a Game Account, terminating the use of any Product, or requesting that access be terminated, will not entitle you to any refund.

9.3 Game may cancel your Account at any time if you breach any terms of this Agreement (including any License Terms or Rules of Conduct).

9.4 If your Game Account is terminated or canceled due to a breach of this Agreement or illegal activities, no refund will be granted, including any License fees.


10.1 This Agreement, which must be interpreted in conjunction with the Rules of Conduct, is the only instrument to govern the relationship between Game and the User. Game may change this Agreement at any time at its sole discretion, and this change will become effective upon its disclosure through the official website. Whenever the User agrees to this Agreement, he/she will be ratifying his broad and unrestricted acceptance of all the terms and conditions of the same, as well as with any changes that the Agreement may receive.

10.2 In the event that any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions will in no way be affected or impaired. In this case, the provision considered invalid, illegal or inapplicable should be replaced by another that leads the parties to the same desired economic and legal result.

10.3 The parties acknowledge and declare that the non-exercise or delay in exercising any right guaranteed to them by this Agreement or the law will be considered as a mere liberality and will not constitute novation or waiver of these rights or the other clauses contained herein. The waiver, by either Party, of any of these rights must be interpreted restrictively.


11.1 The laws of the United States and the laws of the State of New York applies to this Term of Service without regard to its conflicts of laws provisions. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Term of Service, or the breach thereof, shall be determined by arbitration administered by the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (AAA-ICDR) in accordance with its International Arbitration Rules.


12.1 When making a purchase the customer must be noted that Game does not provide refunds, the game will send the corresponding game coins to the player ID after the purchase.


If you have any questions or need further information about these terms, please contact us at:


[901 Woodland St.Nashville,TN 37206.United States]
